Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Perfect (& Easy!) Grilled Salmon

It's spring! least in part of the country it is. 

So, in an attempt to coax the sun out from behind those nasty gray clouds I keep looking out my window at, husband and I busted out the grill this weekend!

First up for grilling season...the perfect (and easy!) grilled salmon!

This is a tried and true recipe my mom makes almost every time she makes salmon, and she's had tons of rave reviews! 

So, I'm stealing her top secret recipe and sharing it with you! (Sorry Mom!) 

The best part about's pretty too! 

So it will be quite the crowd pleaser if you decide to increase the amount of fish and serve it at your next dinner party. 

Not a bad idea, if I do so say myself!

Perfect Grilled Salmon

1 lb salmon
1-2 lemons, sliced
fresh dill
2 tbsp olive oil
6 tbsp butter, sliced thinly
salt and pepper to taste

Heat up your grill!

Place your salmon on cedar planks or foil.

Drizzle olive oil over the salmon and season with salt and pepper. Next put the butter pats up and down the salmon and then top with fresh dill and lemon slices.

Cook for 10-15 minutes on your grill or until the fish is slightly flaky. If you're using much larger pieces of fish, you'll need to cook it longer, but checking to see when it flakes is a good way to tell it's done.

Serve with lots of fresh lemon and a little bit of tartar sauce.


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