Thursday, August 30, 2018

Silver Mountain Brewsfest

This past weekend, my girlfriends and I headed out to Kellogg, Idaho to celebrate my friend's birthday. We spent two whole days kiddo free and acting like we were 25 again. It was glorious!

We spent the first night in, reliving our college days, drinking Rose, eating popcorn and M&Ms and watching one too many episodes of Sex and the City. We even got our face mask on to try and get rid of those tired mom eyes.

The next day we headed up the mountain for Brewsfest! For the past 20 years, Silver Mountain has held a brew festival at the top of the mountain every August. About 25 breweries and cider houses show up to sample their wares. We headed up on the gondola, the longest in the world, around 1PM and were ready to get our beer on!

We hadn't even been there for 10 minutes when I got stung by a bee! Luckily, I'm not allergic so it didn't damper our fun, but it still stings and itches 2 days later. We spent about 4 hours at brewfest, sampling the various beers and ciders, snacking on delicious food and enjoying our kiddo free afternoon.

Afterwards we jumped back on the gondola to head back downtown for a few more drinks before calling it a night. We are definitely getting older and were home just shortly after 8 PM. A wild Saturday night for sure.

All in all, it was a wonderful girls getaway, celebrating our favorite girl!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Sweet Summertime || Backyard S'Mores

This summer has been flying by! It seems that every single weekend has been booked up with something and yet, at the same time, when I try and think back on everything we did this summer, there are only a handful of events I can actually remember.

Is this what old age is like? Please don't tell me so, because I don't want to forget a single thing!

Fortunately, this past weekend was a slow one and we spent most of it at home. Saturday evening, we bought the fixings to make s'mores in our backyard fireplace and it was the perfect way to spend a summer evening. The temperature had finally dipped back down into the low 80s as well, so it was actually bearable to be outside. Below are a few pictures from our evening making s'mores!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Our Little Backyard Garden

When we bought our house in October of 2016, both Kevin and I had wanted to start a little backyard garden. Kevin has been clutch in bringing this little dream to reality and has done all of the work himself. This includes using old pallet boards and fence boards to build the garden boxes, shoveling dirt, planting seeds and purchasing plants. He is the curator of our little backyard garden and without him, it's easy to say that it would have died a slow death along time ago.

It's been so wonderful to see Lincoln involved in this as well. He absolutely loves being a "farmer" with his daddy and has helped him plant each little seed. He was so excited when we planted "easter bunny carrots" and has been waiting rather impatiently for them to grow. The time had finally come for him to pick his first batch of carrots this past weekend and he was so excited to pull them out! I can't wait till Finn is big enough to dig in the dirt alongside his daddy and big brother.

In addition to carrots, we have tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, basil, garlic and onion that we've planted. We also have a little mystery plant that we think might be a pepper but we're not entirely sure. We'll find out soon enough, I'm sure!

I may not have the green thumb in the family, but I sure do love to cook using the vegetables grown in our own little garden and I love that my kids will grow up learning to grow some of their own food. It's also a great way to cultivate their love of playing in the dirt and picking up worms ;0).

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Baby Finn || Five Months

Baby Finn is five months old! He is growing too quickly for me. He is such a big boy and is already rolling over and starting to sit up by himself for a few seconds here and there. He is weighing in at 18.9 lbs and is about 27 inches long. We'll get more "official" stats at his 6 month well baby checkup.

He is most definitely teething.  His hands are always in his mouth and he is a pile of drool! Anything and everything he can get his little hands on goes straight into his mouth. Similar to his big brother, he prefers to chew on softer items like stuffed animals, blankets, etc. His little elephant lovey and a GU sock monkey are getting a lot of action these days.

It was a big month for our little dude. We got the green light on starting food with Finn and have been testing out a few things here and there. So far he's had avocado (a fan), oat cereal, bananas and carrots (he seems so so on these three), and apples and nectarines. He is a definite fan of apples, those seem to be his favorite so far! Every couple of days we start introducing him to something new depending on whats in our kitchen.

We're planning on doing a similar plan with Finn that we took with Lincoln when it comes to food. I made all of Lincoln's baby food and we started out with pureed fruits and veggies to start and then slowly moved into baby led weaning once he was 100% sitting up on his own and has the whole "chewing" thing down. I think we're about a month or so away before we'll start doing baby led weaning for now.

Finn also got to meet his Grandma Chong for the very first time! She flew in the last week of July for Lincoln's birthday and it has been fun watching them meet.

Sleep is still problematic. He refuses to nap on his own for more than 30-40 minutes at a time, preferring to be held most of the time. At night, we are still co-sleeping and while he was getting a bit better, only waking up around 2x a night, the past week or so we're back to closer to 3 and sometimes 4 night wakings. He is still eating twice a night and while we are slowly slowly trying to wean him off those nighttime feeds, he is still struggling to finish his 7 oz bottles during the daytime, which makes him hungry at night.

We also got our first ear infection, poor thing. He was on antibiotics for a good 10 days but handled it like a champ. And even though he was clearly uncomfortable, he was still all smiles most of the time. I hope his happy little disposition sticks. He is such a joy to be around and so much fun to play with!

He seems to be doing really well with my transition back to work and Kevin stepping in to the role of stay-at-home dad. It's awesome to see them get this bonding time together since Kevin had to miss so much of the early days with Lincoln. He'll head to daycare a few days of week starting in September, but for now, he's happy spending his days with daddy!

Finn and Lincoln continue to be each other's biggest fans. While we are still having to remind Lincoln to be a bit more gentle with him, most days, Lincoln is loving his little brother something fierce and Finn's face lights up with smiles when he watches his big brother play. You can see he is just chomping at the bit to join in with Lincoln and I'm sure that day is not far off.

Finally, our little dude is already on the move! He is a determined little bugger and is scooting like crazy. He doesn't quite have the arm strength to push himself up and actually crawl, but his legs are crazy strong and he will dig in and thrust himself forward with his legs. It's amazing to watch and a little shocking to see such a young babe move like he does. I have a feeling we are going to be given a run for our money with this little dude.

That wraps up month 5! We fall more and more in love with our little guy each and every day. He is just the best! Last but not least...this month's stats:

Height:  27 inches
Weight: 18.9 lbs
Hates: He is such an all around happy boy. There isn't much he's not liking these days, although he is a cranky pants when he's tire or hungry! 
Loves: Sleeping on mama, bath time, music and smiling at people. He is loving peek-a-boo and patty cake as well! 
Head: He's got pretty good head control these days. And we are close to sitting on our own! 
Eats: Eating is hit or miss. We're really working on getting 6 -7 oz in him in one feeding so we can consolidate his feedings to daytime and wean him off his nighttime feedings. He started eating food this month as well and has had avocado, oat cereal, carrots, banana, apples and nectarines! 
Sleeps: Sleeping is not his strong suit, but I'm still holding out hope it will get better here one of these days. 

And for reference...Lincoln's 5 month update is here!