Sunday, May 22, 2016

Life lately ...aka a photo dump!

Life has been crazy busy with school, a new job, and a variety of activities! Here's a quick photo dump of everything we've been up to over the past two months!

Date Night! We went and saw the Shook Twins at the Knitting Factory Easter evening. 

Lots and lots of park time with the crazy nice spring weather we've been having! 

We are learning all about the joys of stickers...lots and lots of stickers!

We met a pot belly pig (a ginormous one!) on one of our evening walks!

Park time in our jammies! 

Free ice cream cones from Ben & Jerry's for Free Cone Day!

Date night for husband's birthday! These are few and far between so we soak them up. 

The very best weekend coffee date!

More park fun!

In mid-April, I headed to New York and Boston for work. It was all work and very little play, but I managed to snap a few good shots while I was away. I miss this city every day!

It was a fun night at the legendary Comedy Cellar! We heard Jeff Ross practice roasting the Boston PD and it was everything!

Pretty spring colors on the Boston Common. 

Japanese Gardens with my two favorites. The park is our favorite. All day everyday. 

Play dates with our favorite friends! Morgan and Zeke!

Husband and I got to see the Newsies when the broadway production was in town. It was so good! And later that week we saw the whole cast at the big Red Wagon (below). Husband took their group photo for them. 

Is there anything more fun than slides with a toddler! Such joy!

Such a big little man!

A very fun evening with some of my favorite ladies (sans) babies and all for a good cause to raise money for our high school alma mater!

Little man has learned so much at our PE for Tots class at Spokane Gymnastics. This is the best for any of you who have little ones in the Spokane area!

And now you are officially caught up with all. the. things! 

Maybe next time it won't be a two months in between  a post ;)