Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Valentine's Gift Guide: For Her

valentine's day is just around the corner and i thought it would be fun to put together a little gift guide! husband and i don't typically get to crazy with the valentine's day gifts, but i know some people do, so i thought it'd be fun to put together a little gift guide. and if my husband happens to read this and gets an idea or two from it...even better! ha!

new balances  - i have been searching for a pair of tennis shoes that i can wear to work on my "not so great / i don't want to get dressed days." some days just call for a t-shirt (or hoody in this winter weather we have here in the 'kane) and tennis shoes and these are ADORABLE! and any shoe under $100 in my book is a steal.

pineapple pencil holder - if you're anything like me, you spend a lot of time day dreaming and searching pinterest for what your dream house will look like one day. well my dream house includes my dream office where i can sit and blog and drink coffee (or wine) and do so without being interrupted by my adorable toddler. this pineapple pencil holder needs to sit on my imaginary desk, in my imaginary office, in my imaginary dream home. ;0p

red j-crew vest  - love this. if i hadn't just bought a blue vest, i would definitely snatch this up!

paddywax french apothecary candle - speaking of uninterrupted alone time, these candles would be awesome, while i'm enjoying a glass of wine, in a bubble bath without said toddler popping in to see what mommy is doing. ladies we can dream, we can always dream!

melinda marie small feather necklace - when lincoln finally figured out that he could yank the necklaces off my neck, he did so. with every single piece of jewelry i own. needless to say, i have a pile of broken necklaces and would love to replenish them. now if i can only figure out how to keep them from being ripped off my neck, i might  actually get around to purchasing one. but just because i can't have one, doesn't mean you shouldn't buy that special someone in your life one!

last but not! trader joes has beautiful bouquets for crazy cheap! ($3.99-$9.99). Who doesn't love getting flowers on valentine's day! pick some up with a card, bottle of wine and a bar of chocolate and you've got yourself a date!

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