Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekend Recap

Back from my night off and more importantly, DATE NIGHT!!!! husband and i got to enjoy a night away from little man and we went out and celebrated like we were 21 again...until 10:30. And then we went back to the hotel and passed out like the 30 year olds we are ;0p it was a great night!

this morning, we woke up, hung around, showered and headed out to brunch. the line was so long, i ended up running home to pick up the little man so we could relieve my parents and brought him back with me to the restaurant to enjoy brunch as a family.

for breakfast i ordered buttermilk pancakes and a side of bacon. i ended up eating all the bacon and made it through not even half of one pancake for breakfast. they were GINORMOUS!! we also shared a little bit of my pancake with the little guy (without butter or syrup of course) and the owner brought out a little bowl of blueberries for him to enjoy as well. his first taste of blueberry pancakes! i think he was a fan ;0) i didn't snap a photo of my food, but here's the little guy enjoying his 'cakes.

after breakfast, we headed up to the dog park so poor porter could get some much needed exercise. i've been a pretty bad dog mommy since husband's been gone, and he really doesn't get to enjoy the dog park unless kevin's here.

for lunch, we stopped by huckleberry's and picked up some fruit juices. husband and i each got the berry refresher which had mango, oranges, strawberries, blueberries and banana. i also ate another half of one of those giant pancakes (i forgot to snap photos of both).

this afternoon, i made a bunch of baby food for the little guy and am working on stocking up the freezer again, and afterwards, we walked over to my parents house to watch the Zags play in the NCAA tournament (THEY WON!!!!) well, we intended to walk the whole way but we made it about half way there and it started to rain pretty hard so we had my dad come pick us up. and of course, by the time he got there, the rain had stopped, but we took the ride anyways ;0)

while watching the game i snacked on a veggie platter with ranch dressing (again no photos!).

after the game was over, headed back home to get little man fed, bathed, and ready for bed and husband cooked us another delicious Blue Apron meal! Corn Beef Seasoned Flank Steaks with cabbage, potatoes and carrots! I also enjoyed two glasses of champagne my mom left in our fridge. So good.

i didn't take very many photos of my food today, mostly because i was just soaking up family time, but my calories for today came in at 1,626 after burning 200 calories on our walks.

i forgot to weigh in today, but i'll do it tomorrow! i'm not expecting much of a loss this week after enjoying my night off saturday (think cheeseburgers and lots of adult beverages ;0)) but my night off is over and it's back to the grind. cross your fingers Saturday night didn't make me gain anything!

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