Monday, March 23, 2015

Back to the Grind...FAIL!

today was just one of those days. i was exhausted all day long and any attempts at healthy eating were complete fails! i also neglected to take a single photo of what i ate all. day. long. but i hate posts with no pictures, so here's one of my favorite photos of little man ;0)

breakfast was another half of those ginormous pancakes from yesterday's brunch. i still have another whole half left! and then i headed off to my very last day of work. it was only a half day, since i was just there to train my replacement, but it was work nonetheless.

my mid-morning snack was another reeses easter egg (told you it was a bad day), and then i headed home for lunch. on saturday, i made another blue apron recipe, turkey chili. i made a MAJOR mistake and added an entire jalapeƱo, and that bad boy was SPICY. i wanted to try and eat some of the chili for lunch today so it wouldn't go to waste, so i stopped by the store to pick up some sour cream in an attempt to mellow out the spiciness. it was a little better, but still SOOOO SPICY.

my afternoon snack ended up being more blue apron leftovers. we had lots of leftover potatoes and cabbage from last night's dinner, so i warmed some up and snacked on that this afternoon. i also may have snuck in some more easter candy that i bought on a whim while picking up the sour cream this afternoon. i topped the potatoes with a little sour cream and they tasted like a baked potato.

dinner was a complete FAIL. husband and i wanted thai food, but we wanted to try someplace new. we typically order from bangkok thai or thai on first, but we thought we'd branch out and order from linnie's thai on the south hill. so bad. so so bad. i ordered the massamam curry and i literally had a few bites and was like, this isn't even worth it. i did end up eating three of the vegetable spring rolls we ordered instead. i'll probably slowly make my way through the leftover curry, only because i HATE throwing away food, but it really isn't that good. note to self: stick to what you know and love ;0)

again i forgot to weigh in, but i'm pretty sure i either gained weight or am the same as last week after our night out and today's easter candy binge.

Calories for today came in at 2,091 :0(

off to watch a move with husband before he has to fly back to new york tomorrow :0(

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