Friday, March 27, 2015

They get me every time

hello! today was a fun day and because it was FINALLY nice outside, little man and i got to go to the park! woohoo for getting outside!

breakfast was a little disappointing. i made oatmeal (which i love!)  but thought i'd put a spoonful of peanut butter in it to add some protein. bad idea. i love oatmeal. i love peanut butter. i do not love peanut butter in my oatmeal. i only made it through about half before i gave up and threw it out.

after breakfast, i cleaned up the house a bit while little man napped. after he woke up and had his mid-morning bottle, we packed up and walked down to the park. we're really lucky to live in a city that has so many amazing parks. we're even luckier to live in a neighborhood that is within walking distance to three different parks (four if we're feeling really ambitious ;0p). in my excitement to get out and get walking, i forgot to make myself a mid morning snack, so by the time we got back, it was a little after 11 and i just decided to go with lunch.

lunch was ok. i had our last blue apron meal (baked fontina pasta with brussel sprouts and sage breadcrumbs) and half of a cup of pink grapefruit. the grapefruit was awesome and really refreshing but the pasta was just so so. i don't think i put enough salt in it, and it could have definitely used a little more flava flav if you know what i mean ;0) maybe next time i'll add some garlic powder or something to kick it up a notch.

so lincoln has been sleep "trained" to go down at night sleepy but awake for a while now, and he's almost consistently sleeping through the night (knock on wood) but he's still had to be rocked to sleep for naps. starting this afternoon, i began to sleep train him for naps. i put him down, sleepy but awake and basically followed the same routine we do before bedtime (minus the bath). i read him a story, laid him in his bed, handed him his lovey, turned on the music and kissed him goodnight. i ended up only having to go in their once to comfort him and he fell asleep all by himself! i'm such a proud mama. i'm really hoping he's completely nap trained by the time we go to New York in a few weeks to visit husband, so his room mates don't have to listen to Lincoln's pre-nap temper tantrums ;0p

this is a little off topic, but i will say, i'm 100% behind sleep training, which is kind of a huge shocker.  when i was pregnant, i thought sleep training was AWFUL. how could i let my baby "cry it out?" but after months of no sleep, a battle every night (and during all nap times) to get him to go to bed, and doing it all by myself, i gave in and told my husband we had to try sleep training. it was definitely hard. brutal in fact, to hear the poor little guy cry the first night. and when your little one is crying, 3-5 minutes feels like hours, but i stuck it out, and he has turned into such a great little sleeper. there is definitely something to be said for baby schedules and training. it doesn't work for everyone and it depends on your little one, but for us it works. hopefully the nap training goes as well as the nighttime sleep training.

back to the mid afternoon snack may or may not have been thin mint cookies. those darn girl scouts get me every. single. time.

dinner tonight was appetizers and wine! i hosted a little mama/baby wine night this evening, since so many of my friends have little ones now. it was just a few of us tonight, but still always fun to get together, watch the little ones play (or roll around), drink wine and chat.

calories for the evening came in at 1,800 (all that wine ;0p)

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