Wednesday, May 1, 2013

In the Woods

Anybody up for a little murder mystery this May? 


Good, because I am!

May's Book of the Month is In the Woods by Tana French. 

I'm hoping that this book is as good as last months...

Because, I loved The Birth of Venus and would recommend that book to anyone and everyone. 


Go read it now. 

Thanks Amy for a great recommendation!!

A little side note...

I know that my food blog has been a lot less about food and a lot more about life, but with husband away, and only me to cook for, it seemed a little silly to make fancy schmanzy dinners just for me. 

So basically, I've been eating a lot of scrambled eggs over here, which is not exactly blog-worthy. 

Don't worry...

Husband is officially back for good tomorrow so the cooking will start right back up again!

Happy Wednesday folks!


  1. Maybe I'll get it and we can have a Skype book club date!
