Monday, August 26, 2019
A weekend with Finn
This past weekend, Kevin and Lincoln headed off on a boys camping trip. That left Finn and I on our own for a little over 24 hours. I haven't had as much one on one time with Finny Boo so I was excited to spend a little quality time with my mini-me! We made the most of our 24 hours together, multiple trips to the park, Target runs and mommy and me naps. The stuff the best weekends are made of. A few (ok, a lot) of photos from our time this weekend!

Summer Fridays with My Boys
Recently I started a new position with a company that has a 4 day work week. While I do tend to have to check in on my "day off," it has allowed for a few days where I can take one or both boys out of school and play with them! This past Friday, their school was closed so I got to keep both of them home and enjoy the day!
We started our day with a movie in bed. Then headed off to get donuts and play at the park. Finn is at the stage where he wants to do EVERYTHING big brother is doing, but is still very much two steps behind. It is the cutest thing to watch!
After the park, we headed off to get back to school haircuts! They were both so good, and I promise we actually cut "some" of Finn's hair, although it is quite still long. Then it was back home, lunch time and nap time! And in true mom fashion, I snapped plenty of photos of our fun.
We started our day with a movie in bed. Then headed off to get donuts and play at the park. Finn is at the stage where he wants to do EVERYTHING big brother is doing, but is still very much two steps behind. It is the cutest thing to watch!
After the park, we headed off to get back to school haircuts! They were both so good, and I promise we actually cut "some" of Finn's hair, although it is quite still long. Then it was back home, lunch time and nap time! And in true mom fashion, I snapped plenty of photos of our fun.
Monday, August 12, 2019
2019 Spokane Indians T-Ball Season
This summer we signed Lincoln up for T-Ball with the Spokane Indians. It was one of the cutest things I've ever seen. While it's safe to say at this age that the parents are much more into it than the kiddos are (there's a lot of grass picking going on out there), it was adorable to watch!
We continue to introduce Lincoln to a variety of different activities and sports. He's done gymnastics, soccer, swim lessons, multi-sport activities and now T-ball. We don't seem to have a solid love of any particular activity yet, but I think exposing him to a little bit of everything until he finds his niche is good enough for now. And if one day he chooses to be more into art and music, science and math instead of sports, that's great too! Only time will tell.
In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite photos from this past T-ball season, including Lincoln's number one fan!
We continue to introduce Lincoln to a variety of different activities and sports. He's done gymnastics, soccer, swim lessons, multi-sport activities and now T-ball. We don't seem to have a solid love of any particular activity yet, but I think exposing him to a little bit of everything until he finds his niche is good enough for now. And if one day he chooses to be more into art and music, science and math instead of sports, that's great too! Only time will tell.
In the meantime, here are a few of my favorite photos from this past T-ball season, including Lincoln's number one fan!
Spokane Indians,
summer fun,
Greenbluff || Cherry Picking 2019
While Kevin's mom was visiting, they took the boys up to pick cherries at Greenbluff. We try and get up to Greenbluff a few times during the summer to take advantage of all of the delicious farm fresh fruit!

While there, they got to pet some animals, picked tons of cherries, apricots and grabbed a few peaches. We are still eating the fruits (ha, pun!) of their labor. A few fun pictures are below. I think it's safe to say Finn definitely enjoyed his first cherry picking experience.

While there, they got to pet some animals, picked tons of cherries, apricots and grabbed a few peaches. We are still eating the fruits (ha, pun!) of their labor. A few fun pictures are below. I think it's safe to say Finn definitely enjoyed his first cherry picking experience.
summer fun
Put Your Hands Up!!! || A Cops & Robbers themed 5th Birthday Party
A few weeks ago, Lincoln turned five. FIVE!! Five seems so old to me!
We celebrated his birthday with friends and family at a nearby park with a Cops and Robbers themed birthday party. It was easy to put together thanks to some great finds at Etsy and the party store and even easier clean up thanks to not having it at our house!
At five years old, Lincoln has grown up so much and is the very best five year old I know. He's kind, inquisitive, extremely sensitive and is determined to be the best big brother he can be. He loves his family and friends fiercely and has a very distinct definition of right and wrong. He's strong-willed and stubborn, but always willing to share with his friends and little brother.
He gets easily frustrated when he can't do something and sometimes his self-confidence wavers, but I hope that he knows he can learn and do anything he puts his mind to with a little bit of patience and perseverance.
Because he is a young 5 year old (summer birthday!), we're spending one year in Pre-K before moving on to Kindergarten and I can't see what this year will bring for our little guy. His mind is incredible, he can put complex legos together, really seems to "get" numbers, even doing simple addition and subtraction already, but he struggles a bit with letters and the alphabet. I'm confident this extra year of Pre-K will help boost his confidence before he starts school next fall and can't wait to watch him grow!
Photos from our big boy's 5th birthday party are below!
We celebrated his birthday with friends and family at a nearby park with a Cops and Robbers themed birthday party. It was easy to put together thanks to some great finds at Etsy and the party store and even easier clean up thanks to not having it at our house!
At five years old, Lincoln has grown up so much and is the very best five year old I know. He's kind, inquisitive, extremely sensitive and is determined to be the best big brother he can be. He loves his family and friends fiercely and has a very distinct definition of right and wrong. He's strong-willed and stubborn, but always willing to share with his friends and little brother.
He gets easily frustrated when he can't do something and sometimes his self-confidence wavers, but I hope that he knows he can learn and do anything he puts his mind to with a little bit of patience and perseverance.
Because he is a young 5 year old (summer birthday!), we're spending one year in Pre-K before moving on to Kindergarten and I can't see what this year will bring for our little guy. His mind is incredible, he can put complex legos together, really seems to "get" numbers, even doing simple addition and subtraction already, but he struggles a bit with letters and the alphabet. I'm confident this extra year of Pre-K will help boost his confidence before he starts school next fall and can't wait to watch him grow!
Photos from our big boy's 5th birthday party are below!
5 years,
lincoln james,
little man lincoln