Monday, August 12, 2019

Put Your Hands Up!!! || A Cops & Robbers themed 5th Birthday Party

A few weeks ago, Lincoln turned five. FIVE!! Five seems so old to me!

We celebrated his birthday with friends and family at a nearby park with a Cops and Robbers themed birthday party. It was easy to put together thanks to some great finds at Etsy and the party store and even easier clean up thanks to not having it at our house!

At five years old, Lincoln has grown up so much and is the very best five year old I know. He's kind, inquisitive, extremely sensitive and is determined to be the best big brother he can be. He loves his family and friends fiercely and has a very distinct definition of right and wrong. He's strong-willed and stubborn, but always willing to share with his friends and little brother.

He gets easily frustrated when he can't do something and sometimes his self-confidence wavers, but I hope that he knows he can learn and do anything he puts his mind to with a little bit of patience and perseverance.

Because he is a young 5 year old (summer birthday!), we're spending one year in Pre-K before moving on to Kindergarten and I can't see what this year will bring for our little guy. His mind is incredible, he can put complex legos together, really seems to "get" numbers, even doing simple addition and subtraction already, but he struggles a bit with letters and the alphabet. I'm confident this extra year of Pre-K will help boost his confidence before he starts school next fall and can't wait to watch him grow!

Photos from our big boy's 5th birthday party are below!

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