Sunday, July 1, 2018

Baby Finn || Four Months

Today marks four months for our happy baby boy! It also marks one month since mommy headed back to work. While those first couple of weeks were rough, we're adjusting fairly well over here. It's been so great that Kevin has been able to stay home with him this summer as well.

Finn is still the happiest baby, smiling at everyone and anyone. However, a bit of stranger danger has set in and he is not interested in anyone but mommy and daddy actually holding him. He's cool with you if you look at him, play with him, go all googly eye at him, but as soon as he realizes mommy and daddy aren't holding him, he loses it.

Our little guy is growing like a weed, but his weight has started to taper off and he is being stubborn when it comes to trying to get him on a schedule and increase his daytime feedings/taper off his night time feedings. He is still waking up every 4 hours or so at night to eat, but is easy to put back down for the most part. We won't start full on sleep training till he's closer to 6 months but we are trying to ween him off his nighttime feedings, slowly.

He also go hit with his first cold and ear ache this month. Poor little dude. Even through this, he's been so happy and such a joy. If he hadn't been pulling on his ear, we probably would have never guessed he had an ear infection.

We took him to the doctor because we suspected he had an ear ache and were told that he's starting to get a little lopsided/have a flat head on his right side. He's a side sleeper and prefers to sleep on his side rolled into me, and gravity, it seems, is starting to have an effect. We don't yet have to go to the extreme of getting him a helmet, but we are taking some steps to hopefully fix it before it gets worse, including forcing him to look more to his left, and build up those muscles and encouraging him to sleep flat on his back as opposed to his right side.

Everyone is still smitten with baby Finn! Lincoln has been the best big brother and is so good with him. Mostly we see him acting out toward mommy and daddy as he tries to work through not getting as much attention as he's used to. Overall, Lincoln is doing so well with him and Finn is fitting right in with our little family.

Finally, Finn rolled over both back to tummy and tummy to back right around 3 months, but has since decided he's not interested in it and hasn't rolled over either way since. We're working on strengthening those muscles and getting him to roll over along with more and more head control every day! He loves jumping around in his excersaucer too! He's also increasingly able to control his hand movements more and more everyday.

It always amazes me how quickly they grow. It's true what they say, the second time goes by even faster than the first!

Last but not least...this month's stats:

Height:  25.5 inches
Weight: 16.2 lbs
Hates: Stranger danger has kicked in a bit and while he's happy to smile at other people. He does not want anyone but mommy and daddy holding him. 
Loves: Sleeping on mama, bath time, music and smiling at people. 
Head: He's got pretty good head control these days. We're working on fixing the beginnings of a flat/lopsided head. 
Eats: Eating is hit or miss. We're really working on getting 6 -7 oz in him in one feeding so we can consolidate his feedings to daytime and wean him off his nighttime feedings. 
Sleeps: Starting to nap on his own, but still co-sleeping with us at night. 

And Lincoln's four month update for reference is here too!

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