Hello! Hope everyone's week is off to a great start. I haven't done a weekend recap in a while, but thought it would be fun to throw one in the mix. This weekend was a good mix of fun events and equal amounts downtime. So without further ado...

Friday evening started off with some heart shaped cookie making and decorating as we kickoff love month! I had a rough week related to pregnancy (turns out I was having contractions 3 minutes apart for 3 days!) so I haven't been able to do much besides hobble around and lay down in bed. I was feeling really bad about not being able to play/hang out with Lincoln, so after we found out the cause of my pain on Wednesday and the hospital was able to stop my contractions (so I don't go into labor too early) and I was almost instantly pain free, I quickly decided to spend some time with my favorite 3.5 year old and bake Valentine's Day cookies! Lincoln is a frosting eating machine so he spent a whole lot more time eating than decorating, but we still had a good time.
Saturday, I had my baby sprinkle, which I wrote more about
here! It was nice to spend some time, kiddo free, catching up with girlfriends and celebrating baby boy #2's impending arrival. At the shower, one of my girlfriends surprised me by flying in from Seattle, so after the shower was over, she came over for some much needed catchup time before having to catch a flight out.
While I spent Saturday morning with friends, Kevin and Lincoln headed out to celebrate
Ice Cream for Breakfast Day! We live a few blocks from our favorite neighborhood ice cream parlor and they were celebrating this unofficial holiday in style! Waffle topped Sundaes, Donut Ice Cream Sandwiches, Cafe Affogato's, Chocolate covered bacon toppings and more! Needless to say, sick and all, Lincoln was more than willing to participate in ice cream for breakfast day.
Saturday evening was pretty low key. Lincoln had a 102 degree temperature this weekend and is fighting a cough among other things, so we're pretty sure he may have a mild version of the flu. We tried to keep it low key and he headed to be early on Saturday night.
Sunday, Kevin and Lincoln let me sleep in before Kevin headed off to run a few errands and Lincoln and I got some quality play time in. We alternated between playing firetrucks and dinosaurs as well as watching Cars 3 (his new official favorite movie) since he's still not feeling 100%. Sunday afternoon, before nap time, we got a quick park date in. When I say quick, I mean 15 minutes haha. I know my little guys isn't feeling well when after only 15 minutes at the park he was asking to go back home and go "night night" in mommy and dadd's bed.
Sunday afternoon was Superbowl fun! My parents came over for the game and we had enough food to feed an entire football team, ha! It was fun to watch the Eagles beat the Patriots, even if we did end up losing a bet with my dad.
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!