Monday, February 26, 2018

Nursery No. 2: Sneak Peak!

We are 90% done with baby boy number two's nursery and I thought it would be fun to share a couple of quick photos. There are a few additional odds and ends I want to pick up to finish it off, but all of the big stuff is done and in.

We were able to re-use a lot of the items from Lincoln's nursery, just re-purposed in a slightly different way here. So all of the bedding, crib mat, changing mat covers, mobile, rocking chair, etc. are from Lincoln's nursery. The lamp was a hand me down from my mom (just needed a new lamp shade) and the crib was a gift from my parents as well! The bear poster was actually randomly given to me at work, so we just framed it and the hexagon shelves were built by Kevin and painted by myself. Each of the little ceramic animals and the succulent plan were purchased by my mom (thanks mom!).

We ended up needing to buy the end table and a new dresser since Lincoln still uses his, and the throw and pillow on the chair were relatively inexpensive finds at Target and on Etsy, but other than that, everything was either re-purposed or built by my handy husband and painted by me!

So, without further ado...below are a few quick pictures of our newest addition's digs.

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