Total Weight Gain: 6.1 lbs (It's been fluctuating a lot lately, dropping and then going back up, but this the most current.)
Symptoms: Just lots and lots of baby kicks! I'm in that sweet spot where I have a decent amount of energy and I'm no longer feeling sick! The swelling hasn't started yet, and looking back it was right around now that the swelling started so I'm holding out hope that I don't run into the same issues.
Gender: Baby A Numero Dos is a boy! Can't wait to see these two brothers love on each other.
Nesting: We've started to clean out what will become the nursery and have purchased and put together the new dresser. We're re-using a lot of Lincoln's old stuff, but still need to purchase a crib. A few pinterest inspiration photos for baby boy's nursery are below!
Lincoln's Thoughts: He was so excited to come to the ultra sound and I think it made it a bit more real for him. I still don't think he realizes baby will be here one day to stay!
Are We Ready? Not even close! This babe can take its' sweet time cooking for a while but also, so ready (already) to be done being pregnant.