Saturday, October 28, 2017

21 Week Baby Bump (Baby #2)

We're a few days late, but here's the 21 week bump date! Baby boy is kicking up a storm, more so than his brother at this stage and Kevin finally felt the baby kick as well (again much earlier than Lincoln)...little brother is proving to be a wild one! 

Total Weight Gain: 6.1 lbs (It's been fluctuating a lot lately, dropping and then going back up, but this the most current.)

Symptoms: Just lots and lots of baby kicks! I'm in that sweet spot where I have a decent amount of energy and I'm no longer feeling sick! The swelling hasn't started yet, and looking back it was right around now that the swelling started so I'm holding out hope that I don't run into the same issues.  

Gender: Baby A Numero Dos is a boy! Can't wait to see these two brothers love on each other. 

 We've started to clean out what will become the nursery and have purchased and put together the new dresser. We're re-using a lot of Lincoln's old stuff, but still need to purchase a crib. A few pinterest inspiration photos for baby boy's nursery are below! 

Lincoln's  Thoughts: He was so excited to come to the ultra sound and I think it made it a bit more real for him. I still don't think he realizes baby will be here one day to stay! 

Are We Ready? Not even close! This babe can take its' sweet time cooking for a while but also, so ready (already) to be done being pregnant. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Fall Colors

The other day after work we stopped by the park on our way home. It's a sad but true story, that we haven't had a chance to get out and do as many park trips as we usually do this time of year, and I was not about to let October fly by without truly embracing the prettiest time of the year.

The leaves are incredible and the colors are so bright and the whole park sort of glows as the sun goes down in the evenings, so I suggested a quick stop so we could not only get a little pre-dinner wiggles out but really take in all the pretty colors! Before we know it the leaves will be gone, the trees will be bare and snow will be here!

Below are a few quick snap shots from our impromptu park date!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Little Man Says...

Here's another rendition of Little Man Says!

Lincoln's vocabulary has exploded and he can pretty much say anything nowadays, but still in that adorable toddler garble which makes for some pretty good conversation pieces. Below are a few of my favorites things he's saying these days:

Me: Lincoln, what should we name the baby? 
Lincoln: Baby. 
Me: Baby needs a name too. We can't just call him, baby. 
Lincoln:  Nope, his name is baby. 

You're a fireman, daddy's a fireman, me a fireman! 

If anything goes slightly wrong...Oh no no no no no no, Not want that to happen! (He 100% had to have picked this up from one of this teachers at school, because I have no idea where it came from!)

Mocking me on our car ride to work/school the other day:

Honey! Hey Honey! (Apparently I call Kevin "honey"...a lot.)

And finally, not so much a "Lincoln Says" but more a story I want to remember forever and ever because it was just so darn adorable. The other night after watching an episode of Henry Hugglemonster from the Disney Channel where Henry's older brother DJs a dance party...Lincoln pulled out his kitty cat keyboard, and instructed Kevin and I to get out on the dance floor. He went behind the coffee table, and queued up the music on the keyboard and proceeded to "DJ" a dance party for us, complete with robot dance moves. It was the best thing I've witnessed to date... I sure do hope there are more dance parties in our future, featuring special guest, DJ Linky Link. ;0)

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Oh boy! Oh boy!

Baby Alexander number two is all boy!!! 

We can't wait to meet the newest addition to our little family this March and celebrated in style with a mini cake reveal this weekend with our family and a little balloon party!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Pumpkin Patchin' 2017

Happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. We sure enjoyed ours as it was our annual trip to Greenbluff to pick out pumpkins and then back to the house for the big carving competition.

While, the carving portion of the evening sort of fizzled out early, we definitely enjoyed picking out pumpkins, eating more than our fair share of pumpkin donuts, and enjoying each other's company during one of my most favorite holiday traditions!

Below are photos from the day up at Greenbluff as well as carving back home.

And if you're interested, past pumpkin patch trips are here here, here and here!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

18 Week Baby Bump (Baby #2)

Is it possible for time to feel like it's both flying by and slowly creeping along. I mean how is it already October (the best month!) but at the same time I'm only 18 weeks...because really I feel like I've been pregnant for forever now. And I'm really missing wine.

Up top...18 weeks with baby #2 //  down below...19 weeks with Lincoln!

We went into week 16 completely unprepared for the sickness that was soon to consume me, but now that I'm starting week 18 things seem to be looking up! Overall I'm not feeling sick anymore (knock on wood) and my energy is finally back (yah!) and I've come to affectionately refer to the little pea in my pod as the devil (really, truly I say that with love), because oh boy has this pregnancy been much rougher than Lincoln's.

So some stats!

Total Weight Gain: It's been a few days, but I'm still holding steady at 4lbs. Can we just stay there forever? 

Symptoms: Around 16.5 weeks I got really sick. So sick I ended up in the ER where they had to give me fluids via IV and zofran to stop the nauseousness....but since then, it's been fairly smooth sailing (#knockonwood). I'm also finally starting to feel those baby flutters! 

Gender: We find out next Thursday, October 12th!

 Just a bit...I'm still feeling like my house is never clean enough (because a 3 year old and a dog live there). We also bought a dresser this past weekend so the first piece of new baby furniture should be arriving next week. 

Lincoln's  Thoughts: I don't think he quite understands that this baby is actually going to make an appearance in real life in a few months. Right now he's happy to say "hi baby" and "love you baby" to my stomach when prompted. 

Are We Ready? Not even close! This babe can take its' sweet time cooking for a while but also, so ready (already) to be done being pregnant.