My favorite things about two and a half include...
baking cookies with my little man...and his inability to keep his tongue out of the cookie batter! (rest assured any cookies you receive from us are made with a little extra love!
that any older gentleman with a beard is referred to as "Ho! Ho! (Santa)"
how every single game of play or pretend involves him coming to "save the day" with his firetruck, police car, helicopter or garbage truck.
that he takes his fire truck, garbage truck, teddy bear, lovey and new dinosaur from nana to bed with him every. single. night. (thank goodness for double beds or I don't know how everyone would fit!)
that every time we play "hide and seek" he feels the need to giggle and talk loudly so whoever is "seeking" will be sure to find him!
his genuine concern when he thinks anyone is hurt or sad and his immediate response of "no cry" followed up with a kiss to make you feel better.
his excitement in helping daddy with any home improvement project that we may be working on (and daddy's amazing ability to include him on each one!).
And, because this is real life, and if we're being honest, there are also a few things I'm not such a fan of when it comes to being two and half.
Here are a few things that are not my favorite about two and a half...
that we no longer sleep through the night. That darn "big kid" bed has been the worst for sleep regression and we usually have a visitor pitter patter into our room around 2-3 AM every night.
the word "no." NO explanation needed ;0)
that he's growing up just too darn fast and I can't freeze time.
In all honesty, Lincoln has been the best toddler! So easy going and even tempered (that's saying a lot for a two year old!). And, anyone who knows me, has heard this before....for as difficult and as frustrating as it was when our little man was a baby and dealing with the separation anxiety and reflux, etc....he has been the easiest, most good natured toddler. (I'm knocking on all the wood that typing those words didn't just jinx me).
We love you so very much little man! Now stop growing so you can stay my baby forever!!