Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday Faves

happy friday! i saw this and literally LOL'd. although, i would never bench coffee, and who says you can only drink alcohol on the weekend! in my world, both are needed on a regular basis ;0)

plenty of the blogs i love and read regularly usually do a version of friday faves, and i thought it would be fun to start too! so here are a few of my favorites from this week and going into the weekend.

1. my mom sent me this today and i thought it was hysterical! it's a little sad that our political system is so far sideways that someone like donald trump can run as a serious candidate, but i guess you have to laugh while we still can.

2. i brought back my go-to breakfast smoothie this week and it has been hitting the spot!

3. i've been reading the fitnessista for years, but finally took the plunge and tried one of her winter shape up routines...i like it so far and my legs were burning.

4. Rosehip Oil - i ordered this rosehip oil about two weeks ago and have been using it to try and get rid of all the things that come with being a mama (think dark circles, worry lines, wrinkles!) and i can honestly say i think it's working! in the morning i mix a little in with my moisturizer and rub it all over. at night, i just use the rosehip oil and i think my skin is looking better than ever! you can read about the benefits of rosehip oil here. 

5. wine pours as big as my face! i had a rough day yesterday, but after a nice large glass (or two) of some wine, i feel like a new (slightly hungover ;0p) woman today!

6. the freaking weekend! we've got some fun plans this weekend including hanging out with good friends and i can't wait to leave work and get our weekend started!

happy friday all!

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