one of those resolutions was to give up facebook. i seriously think i wasted hours every day on facebook. so in an attempt to live more in the "now" and also so my little man doesn't think mommy likes her iPhone/laptop/whatever electronic device more than him, it was time to hit the breaks. i deactivated my account on new year's eve and i haven't been back since.
one thing i really used facebook for, and will miss are the photo albums. for the past 7 years i've kept pretty solid photo albums going on facebook and when my laptop was stolen right before our wedding, the only place left where i could find those photos was on facebook. the good news about deactivating your account and not cancelling it, is they store all of your information and you can always go back and have access to anything and everything that is there. why am i telling you all this? well, i love photos and looking back on all the fun activities we've done over the years. this blog is also a place where i share so many of those fun activities. so, i'm bringing back some weekend recap posts so i can still have a place to look back and store photos and memories from our daily lives. i used to do this way back in 2012 and 2013 via my "life lately" instagram photo posts.
so here we go...starting 2016 off with a little weekend recap:
friday was new year's day, and unfortunately our family got hit with a stomach bug. little man came down with it early thursday morning and we had an unhappy camper on our hands for most of the weekend. he got sick all over both husband and i, lost most of his appetite and we're still waiting for it to come back. husband came down with a bug as well (most likely the same one) and he had to start his first day back at school feeling under the weather. so we began our weekend, lazy and in our pajamas.
we've been working on a little kitchen "update" for the past 3 almost 4 months (i'll do a post and show pictures when it's finally done!). it's amazing how long something can take when you have a toddler who is into everything. we have to strategically plan out when we're (by we i mean husband) going to work on the kitchen so lincoln doesn't get into everything. so saturday, i took my little man (since he was feeling better) down to mobius kids museum to play while husband rented a tile cutter to make some headway on our new backsplash. lincoln always has an absolute blast at mobius and if you live in the spokane area and have a little one, i highly recommend it. after mobius, little man and i had a coffee "date" at starbucks before heading home to hang out with daddy.
sunday we had a visitor! a friend of mine from grade school (we've known each other since kindergarten!) is in town while on break from nursing school. she came over so we could catch up over coffee and goodies and we chatted for a good 4-5 hours before she had to go and we had to get on with the super exciting tasks of laundry and dishes and of course football watching. we had some minor flooding in our basement, so we also had a visit from the plumber on sunday so we could get said laundry and dishes complete!
sunday evening we have a tradition of watching a family movie before settling down for the night. kevin and i usually use sunday to prep for the week as well, so i usually meal plan, grocery shop and make ahead any breakfast or other items i can for the week. this week i made mini sausage and vegetable frittata's to take for breakfast all week. you can find the recipe below!

Mini Sausage and Vegetable Frittata's
Makes 12 mini frittata's
Servings 6
8 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 tbsp butter (or olive oil)
1/2 of a white onion, finely chopped
1/2 of a pepper, diced (i used yellow but red, orange or green would be good too!)
1/2 cup of broccoli, chopped
4 oz breakfast sausage
2 oz cheddar cheese, shredded or finely diced
salt and pepper to taste
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. In a large pan, melt butter and toss in onions, peppers and broccoli, cook 3-5 min until onions become translucent
3. Crumble in the breakfast sausage. Continue to cook the onions, peppers and broccoli until sausage is cooked through (about 10 minutes). Remove from heat.
4. In a large bowl mix together the eggs and milk. Season with salt and pepper.
5. Take a cupcake pan and spoon some of the sausage and vegetable mixture into each cupcake section. it should fill each section about half-way through.
6. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the sausage mixture.
7. Top each section off with the egg/milk mixture until each cupcake section is just full.
8. Bake 18-20 minutes or until cooked through.
***Notes: I store these in the fridge in tupperware and take two to work with me each morning. It's a healthy, filling breakfast that will last all week. I don't spray my cupcake pans because they're non-stick and there is usually enough oil/butter remaining on the sausage/vegetable mixture that you don't really need it.
For those of you who are interested I entered this recipe into my calorie counter and 2 frittatas have the following nutritional stats:
Calories: 132
Fat: 8 g
Protein: 11.6 g
Carbs: 3.5 g
Fiber: .5 g
You could bulk up the calories by adding a piece of whole wheat toast!
Yum! And just the good idea i need to dig me out of having forgotten to cook for my lunchgroup tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering about doing this but using this soyrizo I have instead... Since sausage patties are definitely drier than chorizo I'm wondering about whether these would become too soupy/floppy to pop out of the silicon cupcake cups I have... Are the ones you make "dry" enough to pop out like a muffin!
Yum! And just the good idea i need to dig me out of having forgotten to cook for my lunchgroup tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteI'm wondering about doing this but using this soyrizo I have instead... Since sausage patties are definitely drier than chorizo I'm wondering about whether these would become too soupy/floppy to pop out of the silicon cupcake cups I have... Are the ones you make "dry" enough to pop out like a muffin!
THey did pop out just like a muffin would! The silicon cupcake cups would probably work really well too. If you don't use the silicon cupcake liners just run a knife around them before popping them out :)