Friday, August 3, 2018

Our Little Backyard Garden

When we bought our house in October of 2016, both Kevin and I had wanted to start a little backyard garden. Kevin has been clutch in bringing this little dream to reality and has done all of the work himself. This includes using old pallet boards and fence boards to build the garden boxes, shoveling dirt, planting seeds and purchasing plants. He is the curator of our little backyard garden and without him, it's easy to say that it would have died a slow death along time ago.

It's been so wonderful to see Lincoln involved in this as well. He absolutely loves being a "farmer" with his daddy and has helped him plant each little seed. He was so excited when we planted "easter bunny carrots" and has been waiting rather impatiently for them to grow. The time had finally come for him to pick his first batch of carrots this past weekend and he was so excited to pull them out! I can't wait till Finn is big enough to dig in the dirt alongside his daddy and big brother.

In addition to carrots, we have tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, basil, garlic and onion that we've planted. We also have a little mystery plant that we think might be a pepper but we're not entirely sure. We'll find out soon enough, I'm sure!

I may not have the green thumb in the family, but I sure do love to cook using the vegetables grown in our own little garden and I love that my kids will grow up learning to grow some of their own food. It's also a great way to cultivate their love of playing in the dirt and picking up worms ;0).

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