Saturday, June 2, 2018

Baby Finn || Three Months

On Friday, Finn turned 3 months old and this coming Monday, I head back to work. To say I'm bummed is an understatement but I know he's in good hands with Kevin. We're pretty lucky that Kevin gets to spend the summer home with the boys before heading back for his final quarter of school, but it's definitely hard knowing I have to leave my little dude and head back to work. I got to spend 14 months at home with Lincoln so 3 months is just way to short with Finn. Time is a thief, my friends.

But, it's time to focus on the positive! Huckleberry Finn is 3 months old and growing like a weed! He is so much bigger than Lincoln was at this age and is already filling out 6 month clothing. He is so so strong and has already hit several milestones! The last week of May he really started to develop almost over night. He's found his voice and oh boy does he like to use it, cooing at everyone he sees. He is still so smiley and I love love love it so so much.

This past week he also rolled back to tummy (5/25) and then rolled tummy to back on Tuesday (5/29)! I was thrilled to get to witness these first big milestones because I know I'm going to miss a lot heading back to work.

Finnaroo is such a happy baby. He smiles at everyone he sees and does so with his whole face. And while he doesn't seem to have the stranger danger that Lincoln has, he does favor me (for now). I seem to be the one who can calm him the most these days when he's upset, which happens rarely. I'm sure that will change as he gets older because daddy is most definitely the "fun" one. ;0)

He's mostly weaned off his zantac and at this point I think it may have just been colic. We continue to just see how it goes and if he seems to need it, we'll start it back up again.

He still seems to be more stubborn than Lincoln, proving harder to get on any kind of feeding or sleeping schedule. Some days he takes solid 2 hour naps and the next day he won't sleep more than 30 minutes. Getting him to finish a 4 or 5 oz bottle is a challenge, but if he doesn't then he's hungry an hour later. And because of this he is still up at least two times a night. We also don't really have any kind of a set bedtime because sometimes he's ready for bed at 8PM and other nights not till 10.

Oddly enough, this month has been his most "alert and awake" month yet, but most of the pictures I've taken are all of him sleeping. I guess that's what happens when you're also entertaining a toddler!

In addition to all the daily fun we've had with baby Finn, he also was baptized this month and had his first visit to Hat Island! Another month down in the books for our Finn Finn. We love you oh so much!

 25.5 inches

Weight: 15.4 lbs
Hates: This one's getting tough...he's really a pretty happy boy. He's mostly only upset when he's overly tired or hungry. 
Loves: Sleeping on mama, bath time, music and smiling at people. 
Head: He's got pretty good head control these days.  
Eats: Eating is hit or miss. We're really working on getting 4-5 oz in him in one feeding so we can stretch the time in between feeds. 
Sleeps: Sleeping in his co-sleeper a bit more these days, but would still prefer to sleep with mama. 

And for reference, Lincoln's three month update is here! 

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