Sunday, April 1, 2018

Baby Finn || One Month

Throughout Lincoln's first year, I did monthly updates. Each month I highlighted all of his new milestones, his growth and any tidbits about life that month. I'm not naive to think that doing this for Baby Finn will be a bit of an undertaking, seeing as he's baby number two, but I really enjoy getting to look back on that first year with Lincoln and remember each moment and I'm hoping to do the same with Finn.

So here we are, month one! Just like with Lincoln, this month flew by. It's easier to say it went even faster this time. I only get 12 weeks at home with Baby Finn, and to think that we're already through the first month has me tearing up just thinking about having to leave him.

The first month comes with the usual trials, sleepless nights, adjusting to a new family member and healing from the birth itself. Finn is already definitely making himself at home here in our little family of four.

He is a voracious eater. He's eating 4 oz almost every 3 hours, including through the night and I think he may end up with reflux like his brother, but only time will tell on that one. Also just like his brother, he does not like sleeping in the bassinet and spends about half the night in the rock and play and half the night co-sleeping with me.

Finn and I have been easing into our routine. With Lincoln I remember being out and about very early on. Finn and I have spent most of our time at home, snuggled in bed, just getting to know one another. I know our days of just the two of us at home are numbered so I'm soaking up each and every moment.

We haven't been complete hermits though! There have been a few walks to the park, a couple of trips to gymnastics to watch big brother and he made it to his first holiday event, attending the St. Paddy's Day parade in downtown Spokane! And while we may be staying close to home, Finn and I have had our fair share of visitors. Family and friends have been stopping by to meet our newest dark haired addition and he has been a trooper through all of it!

Below are a few quick stats on our favorite huckleberry Finn!

Height: 22 inches
Weight: 10.1 lbs (up about 2.5 from birth!) 
Hates: Being hungry... my tiny boyfriend likes to eat! 
Loves: Sleeping on mama, bath time, music and eating.
Head: Finn is super strong and is able to hold his head up briefly. He's even rolled over a few times already!
Eats: Like a champ!
Sleeps: Similar to Lincoln, he'd prefer to co-sleep than sleep in his bassinet. I'm sure we'll make progress just like we did with Lincoln. 

And for reference, Lincoln's one month update is here! 

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