Monday, January 22, 2018

Valentine's Day Ideas

Most of us are still recovering from the post holiday Christmas rush, but I am a holiday lover, and can't wait for the next one on the list! Valentine's day is just a few weeks away and I'm already scheming of ways to incorporate a little bit of festiveness into our daily lives!

I've already picked up this adorable heart banner to hang by our fireplace. Lincoln found it a bit early, so it's actually already hung up in our living room! I can't find the link to the exact one, but this one is similar here.

Similar to last year, we'll be baking up some heart shaped Valentine's Day cookies with my favorite sugar cookie recipe. Pink frosting and red sprinkles are a must!

I love a good holiday book, and have made a point to try and get a new holiday themed book for each of the major holidays. This year I'm hoping to add A Crankenstein Valentine to Lincoln's collection.

And while my husband has declared a time out on holiday pajamas for the time being, these Gap and Old Navy jammies are the most adorable ones I've seen yet! A few years ago we got Lincoln the Love Machine jammies from the Gap and they were just about the cutest!

Finally, Kevin let me get a letterboard (which I'm so excited about) and I'm already scheming a few festive ways to incorporate it into our household decor for Valentine's Day. 

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