Friday, February 17, 2017

Valentine's Day 2017

Happy Belated Valentine's Day! I hope you spent the day surrounded by people you love. We tend to keep Valentine's Day pretty low key around here since neither Kevin or I are super into celebrating it. We still exchange small gifts and try and kick up dinner a notch, but overall nothing too fancy!

We started our celebration Monday night, when Lincoln and I whipped up heart shaped sugar cookies! Lincoln, much like his mommy and daddy is a major cookie monster! Although, I will say he takes after me just a tad bit more, because he is a frosting first kinda kid, just like his momma.

After the boys went to bed, I broke out the Valentine's gifts for Kevin and Lincoln and headed to bed myself.

Lincoln woke up to a new set of dinosaurs and was so excited he insisted on taking them in the car with him on his way to school! Little man's valentine celebrations continued with a school Valentine's Day party that Kevin got to attend (I had to work, boo!).

We had a fancy family dinner at home that evening to celebrate and I came home to flowers and special snacks from my boys!

After Lincoln went to bed, we ended our Valentine's Day in with a movie and wine.

Low key and perfect. Just the way we like it!

Now back to the work grind...happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Life Lately

A few photos from life lately that I don't want to miss posting!

A few weeks ago, little man and I went out on an ice cream date. We had to trudge through tons of slushy snow and hit two ice cream parlors before we found an open one, but it was worth it. 

We've been in Kindermusik class on Saturday mornings for the past several months. Our last class was just a couple of weeks ago, and we celebrated with Nutella Crepes...the best!

I headed to New York for a work trip for a week and it was a beautiful sunny 50+ degrees outside. It felt like spring and it was glorious!! 

We also took clients to a Brooklyn Nets game, which was pretty cool.

And then I came home to this snuggle bug and it was the best thing ever! (Creepy stalker mom photo for the win!)

Because is it really a weekend without a trip to Home Depot with these two? (Trick question!)

This little dude is always "fixing" something! 

Wreaking havoc on Home Depot since 2014!

It has been freezing for the past several weeks, even months (I'm talking 4 degrees outside freezing). So when the sun finally came out, we made a beeline for the park! It may have only been 33 degrees but it felt like 50!

People have gotten pretty creative with endless amounts of snow we've received lately! 

Dropping sick beats...haha just kidding, watching Dinosaur Train! 

In case you wondered if it's a good idea to give your kid ice cream for breakfast and be a "cool" mom...this was the aftermath! #sugarhigh

Have a great week!