Friday, June 7, 2013

50 things i love...

sometimes, i get caught up in the negative. 

everyone has frustrations and nobody's life is perfect.

but i think it's important to focus on some of the good and all things we love, big and small.

so in honor of are 50 things i love:

1. the sun. shining in portland. (thank god for vitamin d!)
2. red wine
3. weekend trips to the beach (we're going this weekend!)
4. flip flops
5. pedicures
6. cheese (everything is always better with cheese)
7. same thing goes with chocolate...everything is better with chocolate
8. morning grapefruit mimosas at work (yes my job is cooler than yours) (and if you haven't tried grapefruit mimosas. please do...they are amazing
9. old movies
10. fires in the fireplace (indoor/outdoor or anywhere)
11. photography (does someone want to buy me a new camera lense??)
12. wanderlust (take me anywhere)
13. roadtrips
14. outdoor concerts
15. new york city (i miss you everyday)
16. good friends ( i find myself missing my friends back home in Spokane (and elsewhere) more and more these days
17. Edie Sedgwick
18. my slippers
19. kiehl's lip balm
21. instagram
22. our weekly csa basket
23. my kitchenaid
24. cupcakes
25. the pdx
26. red lipstick
27. aviators
28. willamette valley wine country
29. date nights
30. technology free saturdays (we just started this!)
31. being organized
32. babies (seems like all my girlfriends are having kiddos these days and they're just so darn cute!)
33. experimenting with recipes
34. summertime cocktails
35. woody allen movies
36. vanity fair
37. dancing
38. thunderstorms
39. mississippi ave
40. breakfast
41. hiking
42. continuing to explore this new city i love
43. large coffee mugs filled to the brim with foamy lattes
44. the smell of coffee beans
45. bacon
46. wine fridays
47. sunsets
48. star gazer lilies
49. paris
50. husband :)

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