Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentines Day 2019

Happy Valentines Day! As someone who uses any holiday to go big or go home, you know we went big for V-Day!

We started off Valentines Day week with a special treat of white chocolate covered strawberries and red sprinkles on Friday evening. That next day, Lincoln and I were hard at work baking sugar cookies and frosting them with pink frosting and lots and lots of sprinkles!

We also were hard at work at making Valentines for Lincoln's classmates and his class party.

Finally, I picked up some treats for my boys to show them how much we love them including heart shaped fizzy bombs for the bath, some heart shaped marshmallows for Lincoln's hot cocoa (his favorite treat) and some other chocolate goodies! And for Finn, he got a new book, Love Monster, and some toddler approved Plum snack bars.

I hope everyone's Valentines Day was extra sweet this year.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Life Lately || January and February 2019

Life with two littles is busy, but I've come to love writing up about our daily lives and preserving our memories here. So, because it's been a while, here's a little glimpse into what we've been up to lately!

We had one beautiful weekend where the sun was shining so brightly we just had to get outside. It was cold, really cold, and three of the four of us were fighting sinus infections, but I think the sunshine did us all some good this weekend.

We braved a full week where daddy had to head to Montana for a work trip. Both boys were troopers because I was in full on survival mode. It helped when we were sent fun photos of daddy hard at work!

Lincoln and I had a special mommy/son date and headed to the Lion King! His first broadway show was a HUGE hit and I can't wait to make more and more memories with him. We dressed up, went down for dinner just the two of us at The Onion and then headed off to see the show, which was amazing!

Finn got hit with RSV and we spent a full week at home trying to get the little dude back in fighting shape. I worked from home one day, and we were lucky enough to have my parents help out the remainder of the week.

We also got hit with a MAJOR snowstorm and we're smack dab in the middle of it still. This includes delayed school starts and possible school closures. Grateful for family close by to help out with the boys and flexible employers who allow us to come in late and/or work from home when needed.

It's been a fun January and February and I can't wait to see what's next!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Finn || 11 Months

Just a short 11 days late to the party, whomp whomp. On February 1st, Finn turned 11 months! And while, I'm late, I wanted to jot down a few notes on all his accomplishments this past month! He's just about 22.8 lbs and just under 30 inches (we think).

He's popped through two additional teeth for a total of 4 (two on top, two on bottom) and it looks like an additional two are coming through fast and furious. He is getting into all of the things, cupboards, drawers, closets you name it and is just so curious of all the things!

He's quickly learned what "no" means and he's not a fan, proving to be much more stubborn and a troublemaker than his big brother, Lincoln was. I feel the terrible twos will be rough with this little guy, but he keeps us on our toes and we love him so very much for it!

He is in love with music and lights up with his entire face when he can dance to it...grabs my phone to try and make it play and often throws a fit if we turn it off or take it away. It's just so adorable to watch his little booty shake, his shoulders sway side to side and then he claps for himself so playing music on the regular at our house these days!

He's still suffering from one cold and then another, and ear infections are still pretty regularly around here, thanks to daycare, but at least these days we can get drops in his ears (thanks to tubes) and we don't have to continuously put him on antibiotics. And even when being plagued by one cold after another, he smiles through it all.

Lincoln and Finn still love to play with one another, although Finn is getting a little bit destructive to some of Lincoln's toys, and Lincoln is getting a little more guarded about what he lets Finn play with these days. But, all in all, they are the best of friends and that makes me one happy mama!

I can't believe next month, we'll have a one year old! Time has flown this second time around, and I wish he would stay little forever.