Sunday, January 6, 2019

Finn || 10 Months

Finn is 10 months old! Finn turned 10 months on January 1st. I'm a few days late in posting because New Year's Day was rough...a combination of late nights, early mornings and maybe one too many glasses of champagne made doing anything besides, taking care of the kiddos, eating and napping when we got a chance the only thing we did on New Year's Day. But! Better late than never, right?

Finn is still such a happy smiley little dude and just full of so much joy! I joke that he has to be because his only downfall is that this child does not sleep! I'm talking up every 30 minutes unless were in bed with him and even then, he usually wants to party for an hour or so each night around 1-3 am. It's exhausting and hard, but I'm hoping that this is just a season and good sleep is just around the corner for all of us. That's what I tell myself to get through at least ;0)

December was a big month for Finn! We did all of the holiday things! Looking at lights, the Gingerbread Buildoff, visiting Santa and more. We also celebrated his very first Christmas (he made the nice list!) and New Year's Eve (he partied till midnight...EST).

The day after Christmas we had tubes put in for Finn. He's been suffering from pretty chronic ear infections since September when he started daycare. The procedure went well and he was back to his normal self not long after. We're still having a few issues with his right ear and are now on a special medication to try and clear it up, but more to come on Monday for that.

Development wise, he is eating like a champ and is weighing in at 22.2 lbs. We think he's just around 30 inches (maybe slightly under) and is constantly on the move. He's crawling up a storm, pulling himself up on all the things and is starting to walk around assisted by holding onto ledges, his walker and our hands. He can even balance on his two little legs without holding on a few seconds at a time and I'm sure walking is not far off (although I'm ok if he slows down a bit!). He's waving hello and bye bye like a champ and has started to clap as well!

Lincoln and Finn continue to be the best of friends, feeding off one another, screeching in delight, taking baths together and just generally having fun. I know as soon as Finn is walking and can keep up a little better, Lincoln and he will be two little peas in a pod.

Kevin is done with school and back to work now, so both boys are in daycare full time. They both seem to be adjusting fairly well, but our time with them during the work week is far too short and the weekends feel very rushed and crammed full of all the things. I definitely don't love this season of having to have two parents working full time and rushing to do all the things, but I know it's best for now.

That's 10 months in a nutshell! We love having Finny boo in our family and each month is sweeter and sweeter.

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