Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Back to Work I go

hi! how was your day? fabulous i hope!

today was a semi-lazy day, but i did go to work for a while! (more about that in a minute). 

first, i have to tell you all that i think i found the secret to getting the little guy to sleep in till 7:45 (which he's done two whole days in a row!). when he wakes up at 5 am, i make a slightly larger bottle, and bring him into bed with me. feed him, and he usually falls asleep but the time he finishes half of it. around 6: 15-6:30 he starts to stir, and i take the remainder of the bottle and offer it to him, he finishes off the bottle and falls back asleep until 7:45!!!!!! i don't know if i'm on to something or not, but he's done it the past two days, and i'll take the extra sleep, no questions asked! 

i didn't blog yesterday, but i'll tell you i made the best ever french onion soup for the rents and i last night, and it was just as good as the first time i made it. this is the perfect soup to make on a cold day when you have a bit of time on your hands. while it is a set it and forget it kind of a meal, it does take almost 4 hours to cook, so it's perfect for a lazy weekend meal. 

and now for today's recap and eats! 

breakfast was one of my apple "cookies!" i sliced up an apple, topped it with justin's chocolate almond butter (amazingly good) and then sprinkled a little granola on top and enjoyed it for breakfast. 

for lunch, i poached two eggs and ate them atop a slice of whole wheat bread. nothing too exciting ;0) we're leaving for new york on sunday, and i'm trying to clean out our fridge/pantry before we leave so nothing has to be thrown away so meals are a little boring these days. 

after lunch and playtime with the little man, my mom came to relieve me for a bit while i went to my dad's office to help him out for a bit. i stopped by dutch bros and picked up my favorite (americano with a little chocolate and half and half). while i'm planning on staying home while husband is working out of town, i'm lucky enough to be able to go in a few hours here and there to my dad's office and help him out and earn a little extra moolah. 

after work, i came home and snacked on some boom chicka pop popcorn and hummus and crackers before feeding the little man his dinner and then playing with him for the evening. little man is teething like woah, and has been pretty fussy all day, so by the time it was his bedtime, i was more than ready to put him down! 

dinner was simple and easy (and i forgot to snap a photo). i made a turkey burger and had a side salad, which i enjoyed with a glass of chardonnay (thanks mom and dad for leaving behind your wine/champagne!). 

that was our day...i'm off to watch some tv and read my book...husband comes home TOMORROW!!!! 

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