Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

there is nothing like having a baby to completely throw your life upside down. everything you knew before is different. schedules go out the window. any ideas you had about how life with baby would be, forget them....so much becomes about surviving. for someone who is type a like myself...schedules, organization, to do lists are what i thrive on...so it's safe to say that those first few weeks of surviving were... rough.

but you do survive. and then the fog starts to lift and you see glimpses of a normal life again. schedules sort of start to emerge and you get into a rhythm. you see the light at the end of the tunnel. i feel like i'm starting to see that light and while i'm sure there will be plenty of road bumps along the way, i feel like i'm starting to find my footing.

Photos taken from fit4mom spokane's Facebook page

one of the things that has really helped me feel like i'm getting back into the swing of things is finding a workout routine. i started out going on walks with the little guy at about 3 weeks....we made it our mission that almost every afternoon we would head over to a local park and walk about a mile and a half. it made me feel normal again.

most recently, i joined stroller strides by fit4mom. stroller strides is a fitness program that helps mom get back into shape and workout with their babies. i've only gone to one session so far, but it already seems like such a great way to get back into shape as a new mom, and you get the added bonus of camaraderie with other mom's in similar situations. this is almost more important than the workout itself. the spokane group not only meets to workout, but also plans play dates and mom's night outs.  i'm so looking forward to future workouts with this great group of moms as well as play dates! (if you live in the Spokane area and have a little one....i highly recommend fit4mom!)

Photos taken from fit4mom spokane's Facebook page

as a new mom, what helped make you feel normal again?

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