Saturday, March 1, 2014

Bumpdate: 16 weeks

4 months today! woohoo!! can i just say that i'm only 4 months and time is draaaggggging on. don't get me wrong, i want the little peanut to cook as long as he/she needs to, but i don't know if i'm cut out for this whole 9 months of pregnancy. i want the baby to be here NOW!

size of baby: baby "a" is the size of an avocado (yum! now i want some guacamole....maybe we'll do tacos for dinner ;0p)

sleep: my brain needs a timeout. a serious timeout. especially during the hours of midnight and 7am because this mama to be needs some sleep.

total weight gain: holding steady at +2 lbs.

symptoms: i feel pretty good overall.

movement: not yet, but i hear you can start to feel the baby kick anytime between 16 weeks and 22 weeks so i'm anxiously waiting!

maternity clothes: while most of my clothes are still fitting, they are getting snug. so i went ahead and bit the bullet and purchased a pair of maternity jeans and some leggings. can i just say that maternity jeans are the BEST THING EVER. i don't care if you're pregnant or not. these babies are comfy. you should buy them.

go to eats: fruit. fruit. fruit. my new favorite: the grapefruit cups from costco. holy  yum!

best moment of the week: my mama bought us a car seat a few weeks ago and we purchased a stroller, bassinet and diaper bags this past week. we our officially purchasing baby gear and woah does it make this feel real. (look how cute our stroller/bassinet combo is)

gender: we find out april 1st. hopefully the little nugget doesn't try and play an april fool's joke on his or her mama and papa.

what i wish people knew: pregnany hormones are no joke. while i've been blessed to not have morning sickness or heartburn (yet)....i'm one raging, crazy pregnant lady. and while i would love to say that i'm one of those women who loves being pregnant, i don't think i am. don't get me wrong, the end result is totally worth it, and i would and will do it again in a heartbeat so that baby a has a little brother or sister to play with one day, but being pregnant is hard (emotionally) and i'm not a fan.

what i'm looking forward to: our upcoming doctors appointment on thursday. it's always fun to check in on the nugget and hear his/her's little heartbeat. 

milestones: baby is growing fast and almost doubling in size each week!

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