Sunday, February 2, 2014

One Big Long First Trimester Recap

when one of my best girlfriend's found out she was pregnant last year, she blogged about her pregnancy through bumpdates every few weeks. i really enjoyed reading her little tidbits about her pregnancy and the things she was going through and found it such a cool way to track such a special time in your life. 

so i'm copying nicole here with these bumpdates that i've been writing since we found out we were pregnant on december 12th! these first few are all past tense, as i catch up to current day, and decided to lump them into one big long post for the sake of saving time (and sanity ;0). 

the 5 week bumpdate (12.14.13)

how far along: 5 weeks

estimated due date: august 16, 2014

size of baby: baby "a" is a sesame seed! or so my fun little "i'm expecting" app tells me so

sleep: i want to go to be every night starting around 7. if you ask me to do anything after 7 pm at night, there's a good chance i'll look at you like you have a third eyeball ;0)

total weight gain: 0

symptoms: besides the big missed period and extreme fatigue, super super sensitive boobs. please do not come near me, accidentally bump into me or god forbid i roll over onto my stomach while i'm sleeping, because i will probably yelp in pain. 

movement: nope

maternity clothes: nope

go to eats: i don't really have any cravings or anything. i'm just really really really thirsty. all. the. time.

best moment of the week: getting that positive on the pregnancy test and surprising husband. i will always remember his reaction. "SERIOUSLY!!!"

gender: we're already debating whether or not to find out. husband wants to be surprised...i go back and forth. we'll see who wins ;0)

what i wish people knew: this is probably more from before we found out we were pregnant, but if i'm being honest, husband and i didn't magically get pregnant overnight. we tried for several months. 8 to be exact. and one of the most difficult things, besides not being pregnant, month after month, was friends and family constantly asking "when are you going to have a baby?" "why don't you have a kid already?" "isn't it about time you two start a family" and so on. and while i know that no one meant to be hurtful or mean by asking these questions (they didn't even know we were trying!), it really is no one else's business but mine and my husbands, when we're going to start a family. and you never know if the person you're asking is trying....really really trying to have a baby, and for one reason or another can't get pregnant. because making a baby isn't as easy as the world makes it seem. 

so my promise to every woman out there, who may or may not be trying to get pregnant, is not to ask "when she plans on starting a family." because you never know...she may already be trying.

what i'm looking forward to: our first doctor's appointment and ultra sound on january 8th! 

milestones: being pregnant...that's a pretty big milestone i'd say ;0)

the 7 week bumpdate (12.28.13)

how far along: 7 weeks

estimated due date: august 16, 2014

size of baby: baby "a" is a blueberry!

sleep: oh how i wish i could sleep....i'm tired all the time, but as soon as it's time to go to bed, suddenly i'm cursed with insomnia. it also doesn't help that i have to pee 12 million times throughout the night and i know it's only going to get worse...eek!

total weight gain: 2 lbs....yikes!

symptoms: i had my first round of nausea today....i never actually got sick, but i almost wish i had, because the act of throwing up would have offered some kind of relief from the stomach churning that i felt all afternoon.

also the mood swings...poor husband. in less than 12 hours i had a meltdown about how we were going to be able to pay/take care of/provide for this little one (even though we both have great jobs with great pay and benefits, etc....but struggle like most young couples with student loan payments, wanting to buy a house, etc.) and then another one about the inevitable weight gain that will happen with being pregnant. the latter meltdown is an ongoing struggle for me, since i've already gained a considerable amount of weight (on top of weight gain since graduating college) in the past year (hello marriage 25) and have been struggling to lose this to begin with. i think this will be the hardest part for me to come to terms with seeing as i was already overweight (and unhappy about it) to begin with. but at the end of the day, this little one is 100% worth it, and i plan on addressing my weight gain concerns with my doctor.

movement: nope

maternity clothes: nope

go to eats: fruit. can't get enough strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and pineapple. orange juice tastes amazing as well.

best moment of the week: this was actually during week 6, but we bit the bullet and told our immediate family (parents and siblings) and then swore them all to utter secrecy until we tell everyone (probably at the 12 week mark). i made my dad cry (good cry!).

gender: we're already debating whether or not to find out. husband wants to be surprised...i go back and forth. we'll see who wins ;0)

what i wish people knew: i wish we could tell people!!! but i also really want to make it through the first trimester and into the "safety zone" before we tell people. 

what i'm looking forward to: our first doctor's appointment and ultra sound on january 8th! 

milestones: baby's heart is beating!

the 9 week bumpdate (1.11.14)

how far along: 9 weeks

estimated due date: august 16, 2014

size of baby: baby "a" is a cherry!

sleep: my insomnia has gotten MUCH better, but i'm still up 3 or 4 times a night to hit the porcelain king. it's a real joy. really.

total weight gain: 3 lbs....ugh!

symptoms: extreme fatigue, a little bit of nausea but no real puking (vivid i know), and the sore girls are back in action like woah. and those mood swings are killer man. i just hope my poor husband doesn't divorce me before the 9 months is up ;0)

movement: nope

maternity clothes: nope

go to eats: still loving the fruit. can't get enough strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and pineapple. i'm also really in love with veggies. if i have to eat all day to keep the nausea away at least i'm craving healthy food....except for my new intense love affair with cinnamon toast crunch, which to be honest is beyond weird. i didn't really eat cereal as a kid, definitely not as an adult, but holy wow am i loving myself some cinnamon toast crunch. mmmmm sugar!!!

best moment of the week: we got to see baby a for the first time last week! we had our ultra sound at 8 weeks, 4 days and everything looked great! baby has a super strong heartbeat (160 beats per minute) and is a teeny tiny little peanut.

gender: i mentioned that husband and i were debating finding out the sex (i'm for finding out, husband wants to be surprised)...i think i'm beginning to win the gender war!

what i wish people knew: i wish we could tell people!!! but i also really want to make it through the first trimester and into the "safety zone" before we tell people. 

what i'm looking forward to: grow baby grow! just a few more weeks and we can share the news! i'm really excited to make it public :)

milestones: baby is starting to look like a little human baby!

the 11 week bumpdate (11.29.14)

how far along: 11 weeks, 4 days

estimated due date: august 16, 2014

size of baby: baby "a" is the size of a fig

sleep: getting better....still up several times through out the night to use the porcelain king

total weight gain: 3 lbs....ugh!

symptoms: i'm feeling pretty good. i still have pretty crazy mood swings, but my husband is a champ!

movement: nope

maternity clothes: nope

go to eats: this baby has made me full on vegetarian for the most part. all i want are fruits and veggies. meat makes me gag. pasta's pretty tasty too (yah carbs!).

best moment of the week: we started to tell our friends this week! getting to spread the news has been more hiding or fake cocktails when we're out with friends. ;0)

gender: husband thinks boy. i think girl...only time will tell!

what i wish people knew: now that we've begun to tell people, i'm feeling pretty good. i'm sure there will be moments in the future that make me go "ugh! why do they ask that" but for now, i'm good.

what i'm looking forward to: grow baby grow! our 12 week doctor appointment is next week. hopefully we can hear the heartbeat!

milestones: all of baby's vital organs are formed...they just need to keep growing and getting stronger!

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