Our Finniboo is two! These past two years have gone by in such a flash. My little guy is not a baby anymore, but a full blown toddler who is eagerly trying to keep up with big brother every single day.
At two Finn is still such a happy little guy, but is starting to show his stubborn and sass. He is much more opinionated and stronger-willed at this age than his big brother was. We've already had an early glimpse into what those "terrible twos" might be like!
Finn adores his big brother, and wants to imitate and do whatever Lincoln is doing. He is very verbal and can repeat almost anything you ask him to say. He's working on short two and three-word sentences and can be very persistent when letting you know what he wants!
Finn is very much a mama's boy and I love every bit about that. He gets so excited when he see's me and cuddles up into my arms with the biggest hug. I melt a little every time he does this. He thinks it's HYSTERICAL to give me kisses and is such a tease!
He knows exactly what he likes and doesn't like. Particularly when it comes to food. He loves yogurt, cheese, some fruit....ALL OF THE CARBS. He's not a fan of a ton of veggies, but does seem to like peppers and broccoli and the occasional carrot. He gets most of his protein from yogurt and is not a big meat eater. His tastes are very opposite from what Lincoln's were at this stage. But he's a healthy boy and I know he'll learn to eat more variety as he gets older.
His smile is contagious, his hair is wild and he has the very best laugh and giggle.
I love you so very much Finny Boo. Life is so much sweeter with you in it.